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Frequently Asked

What is Experiential Learning?

The experiential learning approach incorporates hands-on activities and reflection so you learn by doing. Engaging in activities, discussing how to apply the principles to your work, and reflecting on the process amplifies sustainable change.

Who uses a Leadership & Performance Coach?

Coaching is most effective for, new leaders, leaders who have hit a wall, leaders who are moving into a new role, or teams that want accountability to sustain their growth and development.

Why is Coaching effective?

Coaching is personal, specific, and focuses on behavior. Coaching occurs in a psychologically safe environment with a focus on getting you results through positive personal growth. Coaching is a great compliment to workshops to sustain learning and achieve team goals.

How long are typical Development Programs?

Depending on your needs, most objectives can be accomplished in 4-8 months. Short burst workshops combined with follow up coaching allow for a partnership for development over time. 

Free Guide Series to get Started

Leading a New Team

Transitioning into a leadership role is not easy. I share three critical steps to help you step off on the right foot.

Build a High Performing Team

Taking your team to the next level requires intentional moves. I share three steps to get you there.

Pushing Back on a Toxic Boss

Feeling stuck at work because of your boss’s behavior? You have more power than you think. 

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